Startup and "the era of regulation"
Evan Burfield.iconI believe that the digital revolution, which has changed the world over the past 25 years, has entered a new era. That era is the era of regulation."
Tasuku Mizuno.icon You defined "regulatory hacking" as "finding and executing creative and strategic approaches to survive in complex markets." Why do startups have to challenge regulated industries?"
Evan Burfield.iconBecause easy problems that can be solved with technology have already been solved."
Our lives as consumers have been digitized by services like Instagram and Facebook, but our lives as citizens are still analog. Hospitals and schools have not yet fully embraced the digital revolution."
Startups from now on must tackle difficult problems that were previously left to governments and NGOs. Collaboration between the government, entrepreneurs, and VCs is necessary to solve these problems."
Case study
How to respond to the "era of regulation" as a business